Jobs Application

Personal Information

Professional Qualifications

What camera body do you have? (required)
What wide angle lens do you have? (required)
Do you have a tripod? (required)
Do you have a smart phone? (required)
Do you have a reliable car? (required)
Do you have high-speed Internet access? (required)
Do you prefer to shoot in auto-mode over manual mode? (required)
How many years of photography experience do you have? (required)
Have you worked for other real estate photography companies? (required)
Have you been convicted of any offense or crime? (required)
Are you interested in part-time work? (required)
Are you interested in full-time work? (required)
Are you willing to sign a 6 months non-compete agreement with Fotosold that ONLY applies to real estate photography? (required)

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Application Test Questions

Choose THE BEST answer.

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Photographic composition is known as
Upon reviewing a picture on your camera's screen, you observe that the image appears to have an overall orange hue. What setting do you need to change to capture an accurate color of the scene you're capturing?
To preserve the most detail from a digital picture file, which format should you use?
You're photographing an athlete running a 100 meter dash. In order to eliminate motion blur, without changing your depth-of-field, and to preserve the amount of light in the photo, what should you do?
If you’re trying to measure the light of your entire field of view, what type of metering would you use?
If you change your aperture from f/14 to an aperture of f/10, you will
Changing your aperture from f/4 to f/8 would
You're taking a picture in Manual mode at f/11, ISO 500, and a shutter speed of 1/250 second. The image on your properly calibrated screen appears too bright. How would you take a darker exposure without changing the depth-of-field, and without potentially adding noise to the image?
Shooting in manual mode, if you’re taking a picture outdoors, and you observe the trees and bushes in your field of view swaying from 15 mph wind gusts, what should you do to stop the motion of the trees?
If you're photographing a scene using a 20mm prime lens, but you cannot back up any farther to fit in your composition, which is the best lens to grab out of your camera bag?